START Course

What is it?

Start is an introduction to the Christian faith in six sessions, for use in small groups.
Through engaging video clips, lively discussion and interactive exercises, it helps people:
— think about where they are going in their lives
— grapple with questions about God, Jesus and faith
— begin to discover the good news of Jesus for themselves
— consider how they want to respond to him
Start assumes no previous knowledge of anything Christian. The style is down-to-earth,
honest, and aims to be fun and enjoyable.
Who is it for?
The course is suitable for:
 People who are seeking answers to the big questions of life
 People who are curious about Christianity
 People who are curious about spirituality
 People with no Christian background
 People with some Christian background but who have never made a commitment to
God or have drifted away from faith
 New Christians and people who are new to church
 People who come to church for a long time but have not made a full commitment to
Christ and who want to explore these questions.
It’s probably not suitable for people with very set ideas whether those are Christian or non-
christian. It is really a group for people exploring what they believe.
When and where?
We will be running our first course will be starting on Monday 4 th November at 7:30pm at
Lee Mount Baptist Church and will run for 6 weeks.
How can I help?
1) PRAY.
2) Invite people. We can and will advertise this course wherever we can but it is unlikely that
we will get much response that way. People are much more likely to come if someone they
know invites them. So please think about your family and friends and where they are in
their faith journey. Do any of them fit into the list above? If you don’t know what they
believe then look and pray for opportunities to discuss their faith with them. If they do fit
could you invite them?
Who can I contact about this?
If you have further questions please contact Rachel Jeffreys on 07562 932159

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